Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Inductive Argument Against Religions, Based on Science and Antiquity

The Inductive Argument Against Religions, Based on Science and Antiquity:

Why All Religions are False
(Syllogistic Formulation)

P1: There is more than one religion in the world, and more than one sect/denomination per each religion. Many of these are mutually exclusive.

C1: Due to P1, it logically follows that it's impossible for ALL religions and denominations to be true.

P2: It is observable today that large numbers of humans are gullible and tend to believe falsehoods.
That includes people believing religions which are false (and based on C1, we know these exist). It also includes more "mundane" falsehoods such as con-jobs, deceitful sales pitches, sting operations, psuedo-science, superstition, and more.

P3: The more scientifically literate a person becomes, and the more knowledgeable they become, the less likely they are to being gullible and susceptible to believing falsehoods.

P4: The scientific revolution is a recent achievement, compared to the entirety of human history. In other words, it is only relatively recent that many people started becoming scientifically literate and knowledgeable.

C2: From P2, P3, and P4 it follows, that the farther back in history we go, the less scientifically literate and knowledgeable many people were, and therefore were more susceptible to believing falsehoods and superstition.

P5: All major known religions first appeared very far back in known human history, or were based upon religions that first appeared very far back in known human history.
The Epic of Gilgamesh Tablets

C3: From P5 and C2 it follows, that during those days of early human history, most people were gullible and scientifically illiterate, and therefore susceptible to believing falsehoods and superstition.

P6: Using the scientific method and the modern knowledge we've accumulated till this day, not a single supernatural claim could ever be proven. Instead, every single supernatural claim that could have been tested using scientific methods, was tested and was found to be either caused by completely natural processes, or even fraudulent. This means that while it has been proven and demonstrated that humans tend to ascribe supernatural beliefs to completely natural, although misunderstood, phenomenons, till this day it has never been proven that supernatural beliefs were ever justified.

C4: From C3 and P6 it follows, that all religions that first appeared in the early days of human history, are most likely based on falsehoods and superstition, and from C2 it follows, that human gullibility and ignorance are what allowed these religions to flourish and spread.

C: From C4 it follows, that all ancient religions, and those based on early religions, are most likely false.

Timeline of the Evolution of Myth & Religion

These days, we know a lot about just how fragile the human mind is and how susceptible it is to believing in falsehoods. This is the reason for the invention of the scientific method: As a mechanism to counter human fallibility.


  1. C1 is undebatable. The rest is good to show the probability of a given religion being true, at least without extraordinary evidence. Never seen this as a syllogism, which is a good move I think. Apologists love seeing everything as a syllogism. :-)

  2. Hi Eitan,

    Are you located in Vancouver, Canada? I am doing some atheism advocacy in Vancouver. I am running a meetup group, and also standing on the street, talking to people. My website is

    1. Hi Boris,
      I would have loved it if I had the time to do what you do. Unfortunately, I don't. Lately I pretty much don't even have time for my online atheist activism either.
      And I would actually have loved it if I had lived in Canada too, but alas, I don't.
      See how long it took me to notice your comment :(
